If you are looking at this page now, I'm guessing, you are either in Korea looking for some Korean BBQ restaurants to go or planning to visit Korea and try one of them.
Here, I will introduce one of the Korean BBQ restaurant chains that's not necessarily the best but you know, I personally visit time to time because of its reasonable price and guaranteed taste.
So, I would recommend this one for those who have already tried decent Korean BBQs and want to try different kinds of K-BBQ.

If you are in Korea, you will see tons of Korean BBQ restaurants anywhere you go,
Now there's so many that they had to differentiate from others by cooking or putting or using things differently.
This is one of examples.
They sliced the pork then it kind of look like rolled particles from planed wooden board.
So, they named it as 'planed pork', 대패삼겹살 in Korean.
I like this restaurant because of old-fashion atmosphere overall.
The sauce they made for meat and vegetable is just amazing.
Here's one thing about Korean BBQ eating culture.
If you don't wrap it up with veggies, you know nothing about K-BBQ.
If you take a bite out of wrapped up meats? Hey, that's not a Taco, my friend.
You put it in your month all in one. That's how we do here.

So, basically, we put meat on different kind of veggies together and wrap up with lettuce or perilla leaves. It makes good balance of nutrient.
I will definitely cover Korean BBQ another time because It's huge topic to talk about when it comes to Korean food.
I'm still giving my rating for this restaurant, solid 8 out of 10.
Written by Logan from Seoul Hunters
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