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Oct 25, 2016

Seoul Hunters, This Blog is mainly about KoreanSimple Recipe of Seaweed soup with Beef (miyeokguk)-Cooking Class

Today I'm cooking seaweed soup with beef!

In Korea, people eat this seaweed soup on their birthday and also after delivering a baby.
(Because of the rich calcium in seaweed, it helps babies to strengthen their bones and in shaping tooth.)
That's why Korean mothers eat seaweed soup and people eat it on their birthday as a custom.

Quick Side Note:
Did you guys know that there's korean age in Korea?
1. You start from 1 year old when you are born.
2. Every 1st of January, every korean gets 1 year more.
So, for example, if you were born on Dec 31st, you would be 2 years old on the next day.

Now, Shall we cook seaweed soup with beef?!

Preparation time : 10 mins
Cooking time      : 10 mins

Seaweed soup ingredients
Ingredients : 6 Cups, Dried Seaweed 20g(1 tea cup), Salt 1t, Sesame oil 5T, Beef 200g, Soysauce for soup 2T, Minced garlic 0.5T

1. First, put the dried seaweed in the water.

dried seaweed in the water

 2. After 3mins, seaweed gets bigger and bigger as below.

watered dried seaweed
"When I was a teenager, I cooked this for my mom for her birthday and I remember myself staring at seaweed getting bigger. lol!"

3. Now, put the fire on and pour 5T of sesame oil.

sesame oil in the pot

4. Then, fry the beef till it's rare to have the mild texture of beef.

frying beef

 5. Pour seaweed that's prepared and you don't have to worry about how much water you need because you can season it with soysauce, salt n minced garlic accordingly.

seaweed soup
6.  While boiling it, put salt, minced garlic and soysauce accordingly.

garlic in the seaweed soup

 7. Perfect

Seaweed soup and rice

"Just to let you know, in Korea, when we cook and eat soup, we always eat rice together!"

You are always welcome to leave the comments! Thanks in advance!

Writer T from Seoul Hunters
Simple Recipe of Seaweed soup with Beef (miyeokguk)-Cooking Class
  • Title : Simple Recipe of Seaweed soup with Beef (miyeokguk)-Cooking Class
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